Once we got into the Magic Kingdom, our first stop was Space Mountain, which is one of my favorites. I just like that it’s mostly in the dark and you never know what’s coming next. We spent a good a part of our day in Tomorrowland. There are so many good things to do there, especially now that they’ve added the Laugh Floor Comedy Club. Carrie surprised me by not hating Stitches Great Escape… and we both enjoyed Walt’s favorite- The Carousel of Progress. We rounded out our visit to Tomorrow land with a relaxing ride on The Tomorrowland Transit Authority.

Can I just mention here how much I love love love Fastpasses? I can see not using them first thing in the morning, as there’s no need. But after the first hour or two of the day, when rides are 30-50 minute waits, why would you not use a fastpass? Seriously, there’s nothing better than hopping in a fastpass line and passing up people who have been waiting for 45 minutes or so for a 2 minute ride. It almost doesn’t seem fair. But anyway…
Following the UG Two Day Magic Kingdom itinerary, we were able to get quite a bit done. We skipped Country Bear Jamboree, the Riverboat, and Tom Sawyer’s Island and added an extra trip on Space Mountain, the Carousel of Progress, and Big Thunder Mountain Railroad. We sprinted out of Main Street USA, just as the parade was getting close, and we were back at the hotel by 4:15pm.
Here's a great picture of us on Big Thunder Mountain Railroad. Carrie was afraid I was going to lose the camera.

After a rest, we cleaned up and headed to the Flying Fish. I had never been to the Boardwalk area and enjoyed seeing the different performers and musicians.

We arrived at FF about 15 minutes before our 7:30 ADR and had about a 5 minute wait. Our server was friendly and attentive and the food came very fast. I am not a big fish person and was hoping for some sort of shrimp entrĂ©e, but settled for a shrimp appetizer and the strip steak for dinner. I really really wanted to the love the Flying Fish, but I must say I wasn’t 100% dazzled by it. The atmosphere was nice and I think if you like fish it is a top notch place to go. But if I hadn’t been on the dining plan, I think I would’ve been a little disappointed with my dinner for the price I (would’ve) paid. The highlight for me was dessert. I was full from my drink (Red Snapper alcoholic beverage) and from the steak and potatoes, so I settled for an assortment of three sorbets. They were pretty tasty and a great way to finish off the meal.
Here's me and my Red Snapper.

As Carrie mentioned, I totally rocked the Fantasia Gardens golf course.

We were near MGM and were able to clearly hear Fantasmic as we played the tail end of our 18 holes. We even got to see the ending fireworks as we finished up.

We had taken the bus from POP to MGM and then a friendship boat over to the Boardwalk for dinner, and planned to return the same way we came. But we got stuck behind a group of six people on the golf course and our round lasted longer than expected. I figured we could just walk along the boardwalk path back to MGM and requested directions from a knowledgeable looking gentleman who worked at the golf course. He gave us crazy directions and luckily we were intercepted by the MGM security guard who drove us back to POP in his sweet convertible.
Tomorrow is Animal Kingdom and I am excited to try Expedition Everest and to see the new Nemo musical. Also I am excited for Carrie because she’s never been to AK. Our Boma reservations are at 6:30 and depending on how exhausted we are, we may go over to the Magic Kingdom to see the Spectromagic Parade and Wishes before we turn in for the night.