Apr 3, 2007

Little Porkchop c. 1981

This was my first trip to Disney World and I was scared to death of the characters... especially Donald! But look at how frighteningly small Donald is! What on Earth!?!? Is there a robot or a child or a little person inside of that costume? I just don't understand. I'm the horrified little girl on the right. My brother seems completely unfazed by Donald's diminutive stature and is spending his photo-op examining his giant orange feet.

Looks like I had calmed down a little bit by the end of the night. Maybe because my Mom is holding me this time. Or maybe because Goofy isn't trying to touch me like creepy tiny Donald was.

Carrie's Disney History

I've been to Disney World twice - once when I was fourteen and again when I was eighteen. Unlike Porkchop, I'm not a big fan. I would rather be camping in nature or traveling the back roads through a place I've never been.

Also, I think the Disney empire is a bunch of heteronormative, consumerist hooey.

If you're here from the Disney boards, you probably hate me now.

My family never had a family vacation until I was 26, so I don't have any sunny childhood Disney memories to look back on. My first trip to Disney World included my dad, my sister, and me. For most of the trip, my dad stayed at the off-site hotel, trying to take care of business problems from afar. On the second trip, I went with a high school friend with whom I've since lost contact.

Neither trip was very well planned, which gives me hope for this trip. Porkchop started planning last summer and has an excellent itinerary drawn up.

Even though Disney makes my head hurt, I will enjoy this trip for Porkchop. Also, I'm ready for a vacation ANYWHERE. Unlike Porkchop, who doesn't mind going on a trip when we don't actually have the resources, I can't. I haven't gone on an honest-to-God vacation in FOREVER. Since I'm going to be paid while I'm at Disney World, it's almost okay.

I'm going into this trip with a positive, can-do attitude. I will have fun and enjoy Disney World with Porkchop.

One thing that I'm truly looking forward to is the restaurants. We have reservations lined up for the Flying Fish, Boma, and the California Grill. I can't wait to have a good meal and a glass of wine every night. This, my friends, is exciting for real.

Don't worry, I'm not going to turn off my inner critical monologue while at Disney World, I might just not speak my criticisms. This isn't selling out, this is self-protection. I've read the Disney boards...hardcore Disney World fans can be dangerous. I will keep my mouth closed and my pin lanyard on and blend in.

Porkchop's Disney History

I wouldn't really say that I'm in love with all things Disney, but I do love Walt Disney World. It's hard to explain to someone who has never been. Those who ignore all the "magic" and gut-wrenching sentiment and view the Disney Company only as a evil money grinding empire, usually don't understand.

Looking back on my childhood, I'd say I was pretty fortunate in that I got to go to Disney World at least a half dozen times. My family didn't celebrate most holidays, so all the money that would've otherwise gone toward Christmas and birthday presents often went toward family vacations. It helped that my grandparents wintered around Naples, Florida. The long drive down to visit them would usually be broken up by a day or two at "The World".

We never stayed in one of the Disney Resorts. Back then, they didn't have any "value resorts", and even if they had, I doubt my parents could have afforded them. With three kids and a tight budget, we were happy enough to end up at a budget motel somewhere along the gaudy strip outside Disney. My dad would usually get our park tickets at one of those overadvertised discount vendors along the highway. I still don't know how my parents did it. I didn't fully appreciate it at the time.

I have a notoriously poor memory and only remember bits and pieces from those early trips. The most exciting part for me was driving from the hotel to the parks on the first day. As soon as we crossed under the signs welcoming us to Walt Disney World, everything seemed different somehow. The air smelled different. Everything was cleaner. I think the sun might have even shone a little brighter. I remember hurdling through Space Mountain, and plunging down Splash Mountain for the first time. I remember the dazzling Captain EO and visiting a boring MGM right after it first opened.

My last family trip to WDW was my freshman year of college. I was 18, grumbly, irritated with my little brother, and too cool for Disney. I wouldn't return to Walt Disney World for another seven years.

My older brother started his own tradition of Disney trips as soon as his daughter was old enough to realize what was going on. In the spring of 2005, I was invited to accompany his family on their annual Disney vacation. Never mind the fact that I was in my last semester of graduate school, broke and frantically trying to finish work for my MFA exhibition. It would be my longest Disney trip ever and my first opportunity to stay at a REAL Disney Resort. There's no way I was missing that!

Needless to say, the trip was incredible and I was thrilled with my stay at the fantastic POP Century hotel. As soon as I returned, I began a full fledged campaign for my return to Disney. It took a lot of whining and moaning and groaning and sighing and pining and convincing and saving and planning and waiting... but I am now just two weeks removed from my 2007 Disney Vacation.