Apr 21, 2007

The Best of Families, The Worst of Familes (Porkchop)

This morning we once again arrived at the parks nearly an hour before opening and were first in line to the turnstile.

Unfortunately, instead of being surrounded by attentive cast members and witty characters, we got stuck next to the most horrible family ever.

The family was British and consisted of two snotty girls (roughly 5 and 7) and one snotty little boy (8 or 9). I was first put off by the way they were complaining about everything. They didn’t understand why some other guests got to go in the parks early (for character breakfasts) or why they had to wait until the rope dropped to get in. To make matters worse, while the parents were busy complaining about their wait, the children were knocking into each other with their stroller and kicking and hitting each other and crying. A cast member tried to pacify the youngest girl with “pixie dust” and stickers but she found fault with both and continued with a rampage that culminated in spitting on her older sister. The parents ignored this activity for the most part, only occasionally threatening to “beat the bloody hell out of” them if they didn’t straighten up.

Thankfully, the horror of this family was soon buffered by the best family ever. This family was from Pennsylvania. The parents were wearing coordinated canary colored polo shirts tucked into their neatly pressed khaki shorts. The kids, a boy around 12 years old and a girl around 5 years old, were wearing matching Disney t-shirts. It was their first trip to the Magic Kingdom and their excitement was contagious. The boy quizzed a nearby cast member about operating times and suggested educated amendments to their five page printed out itinerary. It was refreshing to listen to the family chatter about their upcoming day and my biggest excitement came when I overheard the mother praise her son:

Andrew, I am SO glad that you and Tiffany wore your matching t-shirts today. You look so fantastic. This is just wonderful.

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